Monday, June 4, 2007

Josh is talking up a storm and watching ESPN.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007    I arrive at the facility.  Josh is watching ESPN in his wheelchair.  He looks up and greets me "Hi Mom".  He continues to watch television.  He gets mad when you change the channel.  He's watching a women's college softball championship. He's talking about their "pitching".   

He's talking up a storm today.  He is aware now of the feeding tube in his stomach and his trach. He's been pulling at them which the nurses say is common.   He tells me, "I have something in my throat."  We tell him it's a trach and that it is temporary, that the doctor will be taking it out soon, but we have to do some swallow tests.  He says "ok".   

Josh gets antsy.  I ask him what he wants.  He tells me, "I want to be on top of the world".  I say, "Really, Josh?"  He says "No, it's too high up there."  He starts talking about Bobby this, and Bobby that.  We can't understand him.  I show him a picture of Bobby and Lora and he identifies both of them.  I tell them they want to come and visit him.  He says "good". 

When you hold the camera to take a picture, Josh smiles for the camera.  He knows what's up. 

I tell him, "Josh, I love you, you're my favorite son."  He says, "You're my favorite, Mom."  He asks me what I said, I tell him, he then says "no, before that."  I couldn't even remember what I told him before that so I said "I don't know what I said before that."  He says "I want to get up and get out of here."  We tell him, his legs are still too weak, but he's getting stronger everyday.  He says, "OK."

We'll see what tomorrow brings.  Josh is smiling alot and throws kisses to all the nurses.  The old Josh is starting to come through! 



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