Friday, June 8, 2007

Josh gets up and takes his first steps!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I arrive at CareMeridian this morning and Josh is working with Tim and Jon, his therapists.  They have a belt around Josh's waist.  They get him standing up with Jon in the front of Josh and Tim in the back.  Josh takes about ten steps!  Everyone is cheering him on!  Josh is grinning from ear to ear.  He wants them to let him go, but they tell him he's not strong enough YET....  Josh was responding beautifully to the therapists' directives and was really listening to them!   

We head downtown with the wheelchair van for an oxygen session and Josh is angry.  I can't understand him, but finally I cover his trach and he yells "The driver should have taken a left hand turn."  He was adamant.  I explain that Mike, the driver, knows where he is going.  Josh calms down eventually.  When we are making a left to go into the facility, I tell Josh that Mike is making a left.  Josh says, "I don't think it's legal."  He's a character.  You never know what he is going to say next.  It's not exactly easy reasoning with Josh at this stage. 

In order to get Josh's trach removed, he has to have a swallow test in the radiology department of a hospital.  They need to xray him as he is swallowing to make sure the liquid goes down the right way.  The therapists think Josh will be ready "soon". 

On Sunday I am meeting Dr. Stenehjem, head of Sharp Rehab Hospital.  He is coming to the facility at 11:00 am to meet Josh and go over his meds.  I finally got a doctor to come to the facility!  That's no easy task! 

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