Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Josh has a visit from a holistic health practitioner and he loves her!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

When I arrive at CareMeridian, Josh is getting his body massaged with essence of flower extracts and various essential oils by Wilamena, a holistic health practitioner who was recommended by Lori Lawrence, Kyle's mom.  He is in heaven, totally relaxed, grinning from ear to ear.  She is working on his left wrist.  He is not resisting her in any way.  This woman has a gift. 

Mike arrives to take us downtown for hbot.  On the way downtown, Josh calls me an idiot.  He actually said f----- idiot.  He said we were both idiots.  Josh is yelling at the driver saying "Hey Eddie, let's go to your house..."  Josh insists on calling Mike Eddie.   Mike is laughing.  I start laughing and Josh says, "Mom, you are really something.  This is not funny."  I just ignore Josh and read my book.  He settles down. 

We drive past Qualcomm Stadium and Josh tells Mike to get off the freeway here.  I tell Josh there is no game today and that we're going downtown for an oxygen treatment.  He says okay. 

I tell Josh to read the freeway signs and he does.  He reads Market Street.  He tells us this is where we get off which is correct.  We arrive at hbot.  Josh greets the guys like it's old home week.  CJ, one of the directors, can't believe how Josh has progressed.  We put Josh in the chamber and we leave on his speaking valve.  Ivan closes the door and pressurizes the chamber.  He puts on a movie and Josh starts yelling to turn up the volume.  Everyone is laughing.... 

Bob Sands, the owner and engineer who designed the chamber, arrives.  We shoot the breeze while Josh is getting his treatment.  After Josh's treatment, Bob tells Josh that tomorrow he is going to stand up and sit in the chamber chair himself.  He tells Josh that the guys don't need to lift him to put him in the chamber.    Josh says okay.  Bob is amazed at Josh's progress.  He hasn't seen him in weeks.  Josh tells the guys he'll see them tomorrow. 

We drive back to CareMeridian without incident.  Josh is talking away but I can't understand a word he is saying.  He is talking about everything....  When we arrive, Josh's therapist Tim is waiting for Josh.  He begins working on Josh's left hand.  I tell Josh I am going to Starbucks and he says as clear as a bell, "Hold on, Mom, I'm coming with you."  I tell him he needs to work with Tim.  He says okay. 

I take off for a while.  When I get back, Josh is misting the plant with a sprayer following Tim's directives.  Tim is impressed that Josh has such control with his fingers.  Josh is coming along.  He is focused and is responding wonderfully. 

Tim finishes up with Josh.  Josh falls into a deep sleep.  Natalie arrives.  I take off... 

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