Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Josh survived his four day stay at the Howard House

Memory impaired Josh can still play video games.  Can you see what it says in the lower left hand corner of the video screen?  1st!  Not bad, Josh...  Josh will play video games for a few hours at a time.  His fine motor skills are pretty good and video games work on your eye-hand coordination.  The other day Josh was sitting on the edge of the chair playing a video game when he crashed to the floor.  Of course, Josh was laughing his butt off.  He thinks everything is funny these days...  I wish his gross motor skills would improve faster.  It is very difficult to get Josh off the floor.  His body just doesn't know what to do... 

Josh survived his four days at the Howard House, but came home with a terrible cold.  I know he was stressing in there because he called me several times a day saying, "Mom, pick me up now..."  I told Josh to read the letter Natalie wrote to him in his memory book which said where he was staying and where I was going.  The staff at the Howard House is very kind.  Currently there are four guys living there.  When I went to pick Josh up one of the guys says to me, "Hey, what's your husband's name?"  I said, "My husband's name was Jerry."  The guy says, "Oh, did he pass on?"  I said, "Yeah, he did."  The guy says, "You know,  I only know three women named Jerry.  Nice to meet you, Jerry."    I said to him, "No, my name is Paula.  My husband's name was Jerry..."      He says, "Nice to meet you, Jerry.  Hope to see you soon."    Oh boy.....  

Another guy reminded me of Pee Wee Herman.  He was adorable, but had the mentality of a four year old.  He was so happy and animated.  He comes running up to me and starts hugging me and stroking my arms....  I didn't want to be rude, but he startled me.  I learned his name was John and that he now had an infatuation with birds!   He used to be a mechanical contractor with Solar Turbines and was in a violent car crash.  He and his wife were drunk.  She died on impact.  How sad is that!     I must say I never thought I would be a part of the brain-injury world. 

Josh was very happy to be leaving the Howard House.  He told me in the car on the way home, "Mom, thanks for coming to get me."   The next day, Josh says, "Mom, where did I sleep last night?"  I told him he slept in his own bed at home.  The memory thing continues to haunt me.  I think Josh knew he was some place different for a few days... 

We had an appointment with Dr. Stenehjem just before the Catalina trip and he thinks Josh is making slow, steady progress.  Dr. S said I could stop all medications for Josh, but not to do so until after the trip.   I asked Dr. S about a consultant that I was thinking of hiring to help get structure in Josh's life.  This guy, Pedro Leon, is a physical therapist that started a consulting business for families dealing with brain injuries.  He came to the house and did a formal assessment of Josh.  It took him three hours.  I need to read his report and all the paperwork which he sent me.  Dr. S said Pedro was excellent and would get structure in Josh's life.   He'd screen and train all the people I need.  I want to hire a guy to take Josh to the gym a few times a week and take him to the recreational therapy programs that Sharp has, like golf for the physically challenged...

I had Josh's hearing tested by Dr. Jackson, an ENT man.  Josh has  moderate hearing loss in both ears.  The right ear is worse.  He cannot hear some higher pitches.  I was wondering why he was constantly saying, "What?" in a very high tone.  The plan is to wait 6 weeks, have his hearing re-tested and then get hearing aids.  Last night when Natalie was talking to Josh and he continuously said, "What?" in that crazy high pitched voice, Natalie says, "Mom, I can't wait until Josh gets those hearing aids..."  It does drive you crazy.  I just hope Josh's hearing is not a degenerative thing.  I wouldn't think it would be... 

Today we have three outpatient therapies at Sharp.  This morning I am having a reflexologist caregiver come over to work on Josh.   Hopefully today Josh will make a monumental breakthrough!  That would be wonderful.



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