Friday, September 28, 2007

Auntie Helen, Uncle Mark and Carrie visit from Chicago and Marco Island

Josh who still "lives in the moment" had a great time with Uncle Mark, Auntie Helen and Carrie.  Josh was happy to see everyone.

Josh particularly enjoyed himself with Uncle Mark. 

Uncle Mark was great with Josh.  He came with us to Josh's acupuncture appointment and spoke with Elisa, Josh's acupuncturist about the ancient Chinese remedy. 

Josh is a team player and participates willingly in his treatments.  These points on the ear stimulate the brain.  We're trying to get Josh's short term memory back.

You can see the acupuncture needles in Josh's head and hands.  They don't hurt once they are placed appropriately in the right spot.  Josh is a great patient!

Hopefully something miraculous will happen soon because I am getting weary...  Unfortunately there is no magic pill to get Josh back to what he once was.  The good news is that we started speech therapy and hopefully will get in 50 sessions before the end of the year.  I am pushing and fighting for what Josh is entitled to under our health insurance plan.  Everything is a fight.  I walked into Sharp a few days ago and was told by one of the administrators that I would have to start paying for his outpatient therapies --  $140 an hour times 9 times a week  --  $1260 a week.  Wow...  I was upset.    After speaking with her, I made several phone calls and learned that this was not correct.  So all is good at the moment.  I am pushing for those 50 hours of speech therapy before the end of the year.  I think Josh is going to do very well with his speech therapist - a guy named Lance who is very cool and relates well with Josh. 

Physically, Josh is coming along.  His balance is improving.  He is still a fall risk and needs supervision around the clock.  I am sick of sleeping on the air mattress in his room, but everytime I try to sleep in my own bed, the dogs follow me to my room and Josh yells for the dogs over and over until you want to shoot yourself.    "Ruffy, Daisy, Ruffy, Daisy, Ruffy, Daisy."  So, I just give in and sleep on the air mattress. 

Elsie, his nurse, is leaving on Tuesday morning.  So, Josh will be getting a new caregiver.  Hopefully she will be as good as Elsie.  Maybe she will be better!  That would be great.  I need a lucky break - someone firm, but kind, someone who is willing to do some exercises with Josh both physically and mentally.  Lance will be giving Josh homework to do.  He needs mental stimulation and structure.  I get upset when I think of him just hanging out all day when he doesn't have therapies and walking to the refrigerator every ten minutes.  What kind of life is that for a 20 year old kid?   I looked into the Napa Institute in Los Angeles which is a great place that provides 6 hours of intensive physical therapy a day.  No place around here does that.  I spoke at length with the owner whose daughter has a brain injury.  He said, "You will see results.  The program consists of 6 hours a day in a gym for 15 straight days  with skilled physical therapists.  His mind will improve and his body will definitely change..."  The problem is it is out-patient and I would have to live in the corporate living quarters.  Caregivers are not provided.  After thinking about his program, I decided that I could get the same thing here.  I'd just have to do more running around. 

Josh still has severe short term memory deficits.  I need to really pick Dr. Stenehjem's brain and ask specific questions next time I see him.  I want to know what I can expect.  I want to be reassured that he will improve and get better.  The big mystery and incredible source of horrible anxiety for me is HOW MUCH BETTER....  It has been six months since the injury.  They say to give it two years...    I am trying to stay positive, but sometimes, like today, I am overwhelmingly sad.

On a good note, Carrie took us to her friends' restaurants, Savory in Encinitas and The Lodge at Torrey Pines.  We brought Josh with us and he did great!  He still has his gourmet tastes.  Carrie's friends, especially Jeff, were wonderful and hospitable, generous and kind.   They really roll out the red carpet for Carrie! 

I want to thank Carrie for bringing Josh a monogrammed Four Seasons robe.  Hopefully when Josh gets better, we can all laugh about how he thought he was at the Four Seasons when he was at Sharp Rehab...  Josh is such a character - a high roller like his Dad.  Also, Carrie, thanks for my Kiehl's products and Natalie's beautiful headband!  

Also, thanks, Uncle Mark, for going through Josh's football and baseball cards and picking out the pricey ones!  Auntie Helen, thanks for playing Black Jack with Josh and hanging out.  We had fun!  Natalie really enjoyed herself !





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