Saturday, July 21, 2007

Josh is being tested by Dr. Hill, the neuropsychologist at Sharp

Friday, July 20, 2007

Today Josh was tested by Dr. Hill, the neuropsychologist at Sharp.  When I walked into Josh's room, Dr. Hill was reading various passages to Josh and asking him questions afterwards to see what he understood.  You really had to concentrate.  My head was spinning as I listened to Dr. Hill read all these short passages, then ask questions for comprehension.  Josh did pretty well.  Dr. Hill would say things like...."A man walks into a hotel lobby with a rope in one hand and a hammer in the other hand.  The clerk asks the man what the rope is for.  The man states that the rope is his fire escape.  The clerk then states that the hotel charges extra for guests that bring their own fire escapes." (rather ridiculous passages, I'd say...)  Then, Dr.Hill would ask Josh if the man was carrying a suitcase when he walked into the lobby.  Dr. Hill also tested Josh's hearing and eyesight by doing various exercises.  He also had Josh read various passages outloud,  do math problems and write simple sentences.  Josh is definitely a team player.  A couple of times I just got ridiculously silly and had to restrain myself from laughing hysterically. 

Cindi, Josh's OT, had Josh's left arm re-cast for a third or fourth time (can't remember now).  This time they really straightened out Josh's left arm and it was rather painful for him.  Josh was making crazy faces at Cindi as she straightened out his arm.  Cindi would say, "Josh, why are you making those crazy faces?"  Josh says, "I am showing you my pain...."  He's comical.  I think this is the last time they are recasting Josh's arm.  The botox is kicking in and he is getting more mobility in his fingers.

Last weekend Kristin came to visit Josh.  He remembered her, was happy to see her and was asking about her other sisters.  Josh then tells Kristin he had breakfast with Russ at Einstein's that morning....  That confabulation thing again.... 

Speaking of confabulation, Josh was insisting yesterday that he had another therapy session and was insistent that we go to the gym...  I mean insistent, yelling and carrying on, cursing...  I wheeled Josh around the hospital grounds, then went back to his room.  He was still carrying on to the point that several nurses came into the room to try to see what was up...  Finally, I put on the movie, Happy Gilmore, and he settled in.  Cool, calm and collected, finally....   Gosh, I have so much to look forward to when Josh comes home...  He better get everything rearranged in his brain and become more reasonable.  I hope this confabulation thing passes because I WILL SURELY GO MAD!  I finally took off a day last Thursday and went to the races.  It felt good to forget about this whole mess for one day...  I am burnt out and need a break...

Josh gets mad at Natalie alot. When she doesn't do what he wants, Josh swears at her and gets her upset.  When Josh is mad, he speaks clearly and everyone can understand him.   It is difficult to be patient with him.  Natalie is a trooper. HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY, NATALIE.  (7/22/07) Happy B'day to Carrie as well and happy wedding to Michael in Chicago!!!  Wish we were there for the festivities!  Have fun without us!




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