Saturday, July 14, 2007

Josh has his father on the brain....

Friday, July 13, 2007

I arrived at Sharp late afternoon.  Josh is in his wheelchair hanging out with Cindi, his OT.  She just shaved him and he looked quite handsome.  Cindi said Josh had been up all day.  Now that Dr. S. has cut down on his meds, Josh sleeps a lot less.  This is a good thing since he needs to be up during the day and sleep at night.  Josh was in a good mood. 

Dinner arrived.  Josh is truly enjoying food.  Elizabeth, his speech therapist, said that often times after a brain injury a patient will not know when they are satiated (full).  They'll keep eating...  She doesn't seem to think this is Josh's case, but she's not sure...  Josh has all his foods mixed up.  He'll be eating a piece of pineapple.  I'll ask him, "Josh, what are you eating?"  He'll say an eggroll."  I'll say, "Josh, is that an eggroll?"  He'll look at it and say "No, no, no, it's pineapple."  He repeats his words and has a slight stutter.  Everyone once in a while, he'll start speaking Spanish. 

Josh finishes dinner.  I put in a movie and we're watching "Oceans Twelve."  Josh is staring intently at the movie.  I don't know if he's understanding what's going on, but it surely looks like he is.  Lately I've been watching movies in Josh's room.  Sharp has a pretty good movie library. 

Josh is pretty calm today. I ask Josh if he wants to lay down and he says yeah.  So, he stands up.  I am holding him by the back of his pants since his balance is off.  He tetters and shuffles his feet.  We get over to the bed.  He's telling me to let go of him.  He manages to get into bed and is chillin' watching the movie when he suddenly says, "Mom, I'm not staying here tonight.  I am sleeping at Dad's..."  

How sad is that???  

Dr. Stenehjem comes in and I tell him about Josh constantly talking about his father.  He says that Josh will eventually sort everything out.  He says he has all these memories and thoughts that are discombobulated, but they'll fall into place in time.

I think of Debbie, across the hall from Josh, who got nailed by a 16 wheeler.  She tells her husband, "Let's go outside for a smoke."  She never had a cigarette in her life...  

Yesterday we had our second rehab meeting with the full staff.  Everyone said Josh was progressing nicely.  Dr. S has put Josh on an anti-Parkinson's drug to help with the shakiness.  The damage to the basal ganglia which has to do with fluidity of movement and balance took a hit.  Hopefully this drug which is experimental for brain injuries will help Josh.  Dr. S also ordered the removal of Josh's feeding tube today.  So....Josh is no longer on any life support of any kind!   



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