Saturday, October 18, 2008

Josh has a new blog...

I just wanted to inform everyone that Josh has a new blog since AOL journals is closing on October 31, 2008. I hope I successfully transferred the contents of Josh's old blog into the new one. I will be updating the blog soon... I need to gather my thoughts and write something meaningful and informative...


Carol said...

Paula, reading your blog has been very therapeutic. My son Corey was in a car accident and suffered a TBI in August of 06, 2 months after graduating from tphs. He was in a coma for 6 weeks. He had to learn to walk again and had absolutely no short term memory. When we brought him home, he couldn't remember that he had just eaten five minutes before and accused us of starving him, although he went from 145 lbs to 188 lbs in 3 months. He is 5'6 so he was very overweight. Two years later, his short term memory is better, but still has a long way to go. He exercises quite a bit and is down to 151. HIs favorite things to do are yoga and ride the tandem bike with his dad, sometimes riding up to 100 miles each week. The organization skills are pretty non-existent, but he is getting a little better at using a daily reminder for his appts. We are seriously living in insanity. He is currently taking acupunture and we have noticed changes, both good and bad. The good was his balance, memory and walking has improved and the bad is that he was kicked out of the aquired brain injury program at Mesa for the semester because he asked a student for a blow job. Isn't that nice? The acupuncture really stirred things up up there. Hopefully we have curtailed that. I believe Josh and Corey are seeing the same psychotherapist..she's great and says its because he is 20 years old and has no "sexual" outlet. My husband wonders if he should take him to the Mustang Ranch in Nevada. ha ha I hope you don't mind my "sense of humor" but you really have to have one to get through this. Well, just to let you know that you are not alone. The way I see it, Corey and Josh are the lucky ones. Although I am like you sometimes and just want to "kill" him, I know several families who have lost one of their children. Just thinking of them is what keeps me going. Stay strong. Carol Zeis

Paula Mendell said...

Thank you, Carol, for reading Josh's blog. I was sorry to hear about your son, Corey. Have you considered hyperbaric oxygen therapy? It is very healing, but stimulating at the same time. We should meet for coffee at Flower Hill since you must be nearby if your son went to TPHS. Send me an email if you want to get in touch I feel for you ! Nothing is more tragic than a brain injury. It is just so bizarre. Hopefully, you have a loving, caring husband. It is wonderful that he bikes with Corey.