Friday, May 22, 2009

It's been a while....

It's been a while since I have updated the blog. I was waiting for some new and exciting news to share with everyone about Josh's progress. Well, it's not exactly a monumental breakthrough, but it is PROGRESS -- Josh has started the ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) Program at West City Campus in Point Loma and is actually attending classes daily from 9 to noon. He's in a real classroom with great instructors who are totally and completely dedicated to the brain injured -- trues heroes. The ABI program provides guidance to those with brain injuries in areas of self-awareness, social skills, cognitive skills training in areas of memory, problem-solving, organization and time management.

Josh has been so sheltered since the brain injury. All of his therapies have been one on one. It's time to branch out and be in a social setting like a college!!! I was a complete train wreck the first day Josh attended, but Zack was with him and Josh did amazingly well! The first day everyone introduced themselves to Josh and explained what had happened to them -- one by one each person told their pitifully, sad, heart-wrenching story. They would say something like, "Hi Josh, my name is Susan and I was in a terrible car wreck... Hi Josh, is that your name? I have trouble remembering names...forgive me... I had an aneurysm... Hi Josh, welcome to the class, my name is Peter and I had an overdose... Hi Josh, I had a stroke... Hi Josh, my brain was hurt at work... " Josh was silent and totally appropriate. He listened. He did not laugh when someone slurred their speech. He was taking it all in... I, on the other hand, was holding my breath so I wouldn't burst into tears at any moment. It was so hard to listen to their stories. The worst story of all was told by a gentleman who was strapped in his wheelchair with nearly unintelligible, slurred speech... he explained that he went in for surgery and "the doctor made a boo boo." He went to the hospital for some kind of ear operation and ended up with a horrible stroke, which messed up his equilibrium and the right side of his body including his eye... I nearly lost it when I heard his story. How sad and unfair!!

The great thing about the ABI program is that the program allows the instructors to tailor their lessons to the individual challenges of each student. It is small and personal. The students are encouraged to mingle and interact with one another. During the break, Josh went over to a bunch of guys who were playing dominoes and joined in. Zack called me at work to tell me that Josh showed the class how to log onto Facebook. He remembered his new password, logged on and the class applauded him!

Mike Jones, Josh's tutor, had been gearing Josh up for his big debut at the ABI Program. He discussed the program with Josh everyday for about a week prior to him starting the program. He helped Josh with all the paperwork and wrote the dates and times Josh would be attending in his planner. Mike is awesome. That's Mike in the picture at the start of this blog entry.

Natalie is home from college. She had a great first year at Boulder and will be living in an apartment when she returns in the fall. Natalie and I are going to Maui June 3rd and can't wait! I think Josh will soon be traveling with us. I don't want to do a 6 hour flight to start off -- maybe a trip to Chicago. Family, friends, please come visit us! We miss you all !

I have one other thing to tell you all - Josh came with me to a "Gambling Gourmet" party - a bunch of my girlfriends get together once a month at somebody's house and we eat, drink, laugh a great deal and play cards! Well, guess who won all the money -- yeah, you guessed it -- JOSH!! He was a riot. He remembered all the wild cards in each game that we played and kept trying to up the ante. In one game, I kept telling Josh to fold... he held on and his last card was the 5 of hearts for a FULL HOUSE! He took all the money and said, "Mom, let's go. Thank you, Ladies, it's been a pleasure!"