Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Girls become lovers that turn into Beasts!"

A few weeks ago while having breakfast the radio was on and John Mayer's tune "Daughters" was playing. Josh and I were singing along with the tune and I sang "Girls become lovers that turn into ____, looking to Josh to fill in the blank and he blurts out "Beasts". It was hysterical. Josh said, "That's what happens, Mom, they turn into beasts!" He's so funny... Josh may have lost his mind, but he hasn't lost his sense of humor. He makes me laugh a lot!

While driving one day, Josh was annoying me with all his persistent and constant questioning about this and that. He looks at me and says, "How old am I?" I said, "Josh, you know how old you are...why do you ask questions that you know the answers to?", and Josh says, "I am insecure." He's so cute... I said, "Are you confused because of the brain injury or insecure?" He says, "I guess I am confused...."

Josh started swimming lessons at Noonan's Family Swim School in Del Mar. Just as Josh had to learn to walk all over again, he has to learn to swim. It took a while to find someone that was willing to take Josh on. It's not easy to find a swim instructor who works individually with someone like Josh unless, of course, you pay through the nose for private therapy and then it's in a hospital-like setting. Josh's instructor, Tim, is from NYC and is very cool. He's smart, animated and fun. The water is warm which helps and Josh is a willing participant. Both Josh and Natalie completed the Junior Lifeguard Program when they were little and were good swimmers. I think it's crucial that everyone know how to swim... Hopefully, Josh will be boogie boarding by the summer.

Josh is also doing FeldenKrais Yoga !
Here's Joshy and his instructor doing FeldenKrais yoga which I learned about after reading, "My Stroke of Insight" by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. I may have mentioned this book before. It's a brain scientist's personal journey to recovery after suffering from a massive stroke. She made a total and complete recovery which took her 8 years. She mentioned that this type of yoga helped her physically heal. Josh used to have private lessons at the house, but now he goes to classes every Monday night at the Encinitas Recreation Center. Don takes him and it's great for Josh to get out and interact with a group.

As for me, I have had a setback with a lateral meniscal tear to the right knee which totally and completely has thrown me for a loop... It hurts and has thrown off my right lower back hurts and I am irritable from the pain. It doesn't help to have tons of stairs all over the place. It particularly hurts when I go down stairs as that movement of bending the knee as you descend stairs pulls at the meniscus. OUCH!!! I am hopping all over the place. I am trying to heal without surgery, but may have to take the plunge if things don't work out. I have had an MRI and two opinions so far... I had a cortisone shot which made me nauseous for two days... yuck! I miss tennis and feel like I am 3000 pounds...not too bueno. I don't do well with ice packs, rest and immobilization...

I just flicked on the tv and saw Dr. Amen on KPBS ranting and raving about being positive in life. He just said something like, "Notice what you love about your life...don't focus about what you hate about your life... this will interfere with creativity, learning and being positive, happy and hopeful..." Easier said than done, huh?

I went to Las Vegas last weekend to hang out with Chicago cousins,Cathy and Zach, at the Palazzo! Zach wanted to check out the hotel and hospitality management program at the university there. We had fun losing money! Carrie made arrangements for us to be in this killer, luxury suite, with three bathrooms and flatscreen tvs all over the place. When you took a shower, you didn't even have to move, you got blasted from every angle with water... very cool. Thanks, Carrie! With minimum bets of $15 and $25 at the tables, you could go broke very fast... We did manage to have one nice dinner at Carnevino...

Cathy and Zach with Humpdy Dumpty somewhere at the Palazzo.
That's it for now! Oh yeah, Natalie.... she is doing great, thank heavens! I'll be going to Boulder to visit in a few weekends! I am trying to keep the sanity with my little trips here and there. It rejuvenates me to get away! When I return from my excursions, I can deal better with Josh.
I want to say thanks to the people who are reading my blog, especially to those who are dealing with loved ones who have brain injuries and for those of you who are dealing with your own brain injuries. It is so difficult and we truly need to support one another in every way we can. For those who read my blog that live in my neck of the woods, (Del Mar and surrounding communities), please email me at if you want to get together for coffee to exchange ideas and inspire one another.